Terraced garden in Guildford

Having moved from London to a wonderful property at the top of Guildford, my client and her family were needing help to visualise what might be possible with their large, sloping garden.

Although somewhat terraced already, we needed to efficiently and effectively make the most of the outside area and after agreeing on a sensible garden wish-list, we divided the garden into areas dedicated to certain activities.

3D computer aided design of garden from a higher up aspect
3D computer aided design of garden from an eye-level aspect

With views stretching out over the town and surrounding countryside, making the most of the view from the top of the garden was extremely important.

I worked closely with the customer on this design, gathering inspiration and spending time together in the garden before making a plan.

The first terrace is therefore dedicated to entertaining, providing somewhere to eat, in optional shade, where the family can sit and enjoy the view.

A terrace with a pergola over it
Another photo of the terrace with a pergola over it

Steps take you down to a second area which is more open, allowing the children to play and put up tents.

Stairs leading down from the terrace

With the left hand side of the garden receiving the most sun, this area includes extended flower beds, whilst a greenhouse and raised beds provide ideal spaces for growing fruit and vegetables.

Established planting after a drop in levels

At the end of the garden a small retaining wall further divides the space where a small shed and home office are situated together with a further seating area, where the last of the evening sun can be soaked up.

I worked closely with the customer on this design, gathering inspiration and spending time together in the garden before making a plan. With the design now agreed, the build has been approached in stages as time and budget allows.