Cottage garden in Godalming

With the beautiful timber-framed rear extension now complete on this semi-detached property in Godalming, we were able to start work on the agreed design, which included a new patio, path, oak pergola and greenhouse.

3D computer aided design of garden

The patio was built using clay pavers with a light, aged, weathered look to them offering an authentic texture and complimenting the timber cladding of this new extension. They are durable, low maintenance and a sustainable option as they can be laid without the use of cement or concrete, which was important to our client.

Newly cut paving area outside the garage, with bricks being laid out
Newly cut path with bricks being laid out

A solid oak pergola extends the living space, creating a cosy entertaining space and offering shade in this sunny, south-west facing garden.

Pergola with established plants growing up around it

Areas of shingle provide useful free draining surfaces and a path through tall perennial planting, sprawling border plants and grasses leads to a compact greenhouse and further utility areas.

Finished path well-established plants either side

To workaround the nearby roots of an old cherry tree that we didn't want to lose, we created stepping stones surrounded by shingle, giving this area an old secret garden feel to it.

Clay Pavers are a sustainable option as they can be laid without the use of cement or concrete, which was important to our client.

Simple post and rail fencing makes the most of the spectacular view from this garden.

Block paved pathway down towards the house
View across to the pergola from the paved path